CFD Software


– tools for studying the onset of 3D in incompressible fluid flows. It includes

Parallel implementation: MPI technology.

GitHub repository: 3DO

Under development Under development...


– Commercial software to simulate river flows with non-uniform sediment transport for practical problems (developed in collaboration with V.V. Belikov). The numerical algorithms are based on the finite volume method on unstructured triangular-quadrilateral meshes. The original solver of the Riemann problem with the discontinuous bottom is used to estimate the flux between the computational cells.

Parallel implementation: both OpenMP and CUDA technologies.

Under development Under development...

Simulation of 2D/3D Flows of Viscous Perfect Gas

Method: finite element method on unstructured triangular/tetrahedral meshes.

Parallel implementation: MPI technology.

Under development Under development...

Simulation of 2D Flows of Two-phase Immiscible Viscous Fluids

Method: XFEM and level set method on quadrilateral meshes.

Parallel implementation: OpenMP technology.

Under development Under development...